Scientific Anglers Mastery Series Fly Fishing Line

Shop Scientific Anglers Mastery Series Fly Fishing Line

For an affordable fly line that is proven to be both dependable and able to compete with some of its more expensive predecessors, fly fishermen everywhere need look no further than Scientific Angler’s Mastery series fly fishing line.


  • Great tapers in the line's design from bass bug tapers to bonefish
  • Tropi-Core technology (warm weather lines)
  • AST fly line coating

Fly line for:

Compatible climates:

  • Cold
  • Medium/temperate
  • Hot/tropical


Great for fishing:

Beginner and expert fisherman choose Scientific Anglers Mastery fly line as their go-to line for freshwater and saltwater fly fishing. Mastery makes line suitable for cold, temperate, and tropical/warm-weather climates, and features cutting-edge tech.

Whether you plan on taking a trip down to the local lake or stream to fish for trout or bass, or have an extended saltwater fly fishing trip planned in the upcoming future, The Fly Fishers has a Mastery fly line that will give you a more enjoyable and rewarding fly fishing experience.

Browse The Fly Fishers’ full selection of Scientific Anglers fly fishing line.

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