Nature's Spirit Fly Fishing Tying Materials

Fly Fishing Gear/Fly Tying Materials & Hooks/Nature's Spirit Fly Tying Materials

Shop Nature's Spirit Fly Fishing Tying Materials

Nature’s Spirit is known for their premier fly tying materials. They feature many unique fly tying materials and typically high-grade them. They feature some of the most affordably priced products in the fly tying market, making them a top value for anglers on a budget. The Fly Fishers is a proud distributor of Nature’s Spirit fly tying materials on the web for fly fishermen nationwide.

Nature's Spirit MaterialUses/Features
Mallard Sides Collars and wings for steelhead and salmon flies
Elk Yearling Smaller flies requiring hair wings
Cashmere goat bass, pike, and saltwater flies
Elk Cow Extended body drakes, hoppers, stoneflies

Anglers everywhere have discovered that tying their own flies not only gives them a better sense of satisfaction when they can fish on flies they tied themselves, but it is also a great hobby to have in the offseason. There’s no better way to spend the winter months than tying your own flies. Nature’s Spirit and The Fly Fishers can help you tie some of the best custom flies you can.

Browse our full inventory of fly tying materials available for sale online from The Fly Fishers.

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