Our inshore medium light lens, the Silver Mirror lens is the most versatile glass mirror. It works great for fishing the flats, reefs and shorelines in bright sun and lower light conditions. The copper base, brown polarized film and silver mirror combine to making it a high contrast lens that allows you to spot fish, coral heads and other underwater structures against the bottom. Visually, objects appear slightly tinted with a reddish-brown hue.
Blue Light Block @440 nm: 95%
Yellow Light Block @580 nm: 93%
Our lightest, most technical lens, Rose Mirror is a must-have for both salt and freshwater guides and hardcore anglers. It’s made for fishing the flats, western rivers and lakes, and under tree canopies and cloud cover. Many wear it in bright sun as well. The red base, brown polarized film and pink mirror combine to create a super high contrast lens that allows you to see deeper into the water than you’ve ever seen before. Visually, objects appear slightly tinted with a reddish hue.
Blue Light Block @440 nm: 95%
Yellow Light Block @580 nm: 93%