Bisharat's Spot On Baitfish

Part Number: BSOB

Chartreuse / White
Olive / White

The Spot-On Baitfish from the vise of Charlie Bisharat, will work on gamefish in both saltwater and freshwater. Tied on a jig hook, the hook rides up keeping it quite weedless along with it having a very attractive swimming motion. Try it for tarpon, snook and jacks or for bass, pike and muskies.

Customer Reviews for Bisharat's Spot On Baitfish

I luv the Bisharat flies I acquired from theflyfishers they’re exactly what I wanted. With the turned up hooks and slightly bent Hookshank to Allow eyes to be tied under centerline of Hookshank is awesome. I would love to have some of those in a perch pattern and a tilapia pattern thanks guys amazing.Mike
- M.T.

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