Slider Bugger

Part Number: SLIBUG

Olive / Ginger

The Slider Bugger fly was designed as a sculpin fly with erratic movement and enough weight to get down while still being easy enough to cast. Large slider style head moves water and provides turbulence for the material in the back. These 3" long sculpin flies are superb for fly fishing trout and bass.

From the designer:

"The reason I developed the Slider Bugger was because I wanted a larger Sculpin pattern (by my standards) that was heavy enough to get down, provide an erratic movement in the water and be fairly easy to cast.

I find around 3 inches to be a great sculpin size in many of my favorite Southern Rockies Rivers. I achieve that preferred size by tying a single hook pattern with a slightly longer than the standard “1 hook shank length” tail.

This also adds to the erratic movement, but what truly adds the movement is the combination of oversized lead eyes with a “slider” style deer hair head. Add some slightly oversized hackle and rubber legs and it’s the perfect combo, in my opinion.

The slider bugger is my go-to sculpin pattern when I’m needing something larger than my Cousin It Sculpin Jig pattern. It's easy to cast, gets down quick, and has great action when dead drift or retrieved."

- Umpqua Signature Tyer Brandon Mena

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