RIO Fluoroflex Strong Tippet - 3 Pack

Part Number: 6-224

7.3 lb./5.2 lb./3.8 lb.
8.8 lb./7.3 lb./5.2 lb.

RIO Fluoroflex Strong Tippet 3-Pack

Economical and convenient 3 packs of RIO Fluoroflex Strong Tippet that come in a clear plastic reusable cup. The newest tippet material from RIO is a 100% fluorocarbon tippet that features an exceptionally high tensile strength and has a smooth finish that seats knots tightly and easily. RIO Fluoroflex Strong Tippet has a high break strength to diameter ratio that makes this a superb trout fly fishing tippet material. 

3X-5X includes a 3X, 4X and 5X spool.
4X-6X includes a 4X, 5X and 6X spool.

30 yards per spool.

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