Daiichi 2460 Streamer Hook

Part Number: D2460


Daiichi's 2460 is a favorite streamer hook around the shop. This 3X long streamer hook has an Aberdeen bend that helps in hooking fish and comes in a wide variety of sizes from #18 to #1/0. This size range allows for a wide variety of uses for a wide variety of gamefish from panfish to gigantic taimen. It is a great choice for bass of all sizes as well as muskies, pike and any other freshwater species you may chase. The 2460 also features a straight eye that gives what we believe is better hook-ups due to a straight pull upon setting the hook.

Out of stock? Check out the Core C2461 hooks here for a black finish hook with the same hook specs.

This hook is also available sizes up to #6/0 and in a black finish in the Daiichi 2461 model.

Hooks per pack:

#18-#8 - 25 Hooks

#6-#2 - 20 Hooks

#1 - 15 Hooks

#1/0 - 12 Hooks 



Customer Reviews for Daiichi 2460 Streamer Hook

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