Echo Micro Practice Fly Rod

Part Number: ECHO-MPR


The Echo Micro Practice Rod is a balanced, miniature replica of a real fly rod that is built to practice casting indoors.  The action of the Echo Micro Practice Rod and weight of the line give an accurate feel to that of an "actual" fly rod.  This real feel in the Echo Micro Practice Rod is so good that it provides practice that actually can translate to better casting outside and on the water.  Additionally, the rope "fly line" of the Echo Micro Practice Rod gives a realistic amount of drag on the floor so roll casting and single spey casts can be practiced as well.  Fly fishing trout, fly fishing bass, and even fly fishing bonefish and tarpon can be benefitted by practicing with the Echo Micro Practice Rod.


The Echo Micro Practice Rod features a two-piece design, a clear protective case, a durable EVA handle, and a fundamental casting instruction pamphlet from Tim Rajeff.


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