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Renzetti Ruby Tip Saltwater Midge Bobbin

Part Number: HT108


Here at The Fly Fishers our favorite fly tying bobbin for tying large flies like saltwater flies, muskie flies or when spinning deer hair bugs or other bass flies is the Saltwater Bobbin from Renzetti. The Renzetti Saltwater Midge Bobbin is a large fly tying bobbin with a thinner tube. This bobbin will take care of tying fly tying materials to large flies when you don’t need a lot of muscle. It also makes a nice standard fly tying bobbin if you have large hands. The bobbin’s ruby tip will keep the thread moving smoothly and won’t allow your fly tying thread to cut into the bobbin tube. Renzetti manufactures the finest fly tying tools on the planet.

Click here to see the standard Renzetti Saltwater Bobbin.

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