EP Fibers 3D

Part Number: 0FI-3DFI


EP 3D Fibers are a blended pack of different EP Fibers to form great colorations for matching different baitfish when tying streamer flies. We love using the EP 3D Fibers for tying pike flies and muskie flies as well as large saltwater flies. They also tie up great looking bass flies as well as steelhead flies and salmon flies. This is a tough fly tying material too that stands up well to fish with teeth.

Customer Reviews for EP Fibers 3D

EP fibers are great for pike fishing. Super durable and great movement in the water. I never used the bait fish belly color before but it looks great. I tied it with some Krystal flash and some red/black buck tail for the head and it looks awesome.
- Smitty

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